Student Support
Student Health

Mutiara has dedicated facilities for the treatment and accommodation of sick students and minor injuries. Known as “Sick Bay,” it is managed by a qualified and experienced Registered Nurse (RN), who can administer first aid during regular school hours. The Sick Bay is well-furnished and supplied with medication, and equipment to ensure that ill or injured students can be tended to promptly.
Located on the ground floor of the main building, there is easy access for wheelchairs, stretchers and if necessary, ambulance.
Students who are unwell or injured during school hours will be accompanied by a teacher immediately to Sick Bay. Our Nurse will provide the necessary first aid and if necessary, arrange for parental consent for a doctor’s consult.
If oral medication is requested by the student or must be administered, approval will first be sought from parents/guardians before it is administered. Medications can only be administered with the parents/guardians’ authority. Parents will be informed by the School Nurse should the student required to go home or if a doctor has to be consulted for further treatment.
For further information, please contact our School Support Coordinator by phone at (+6) 03-43521452.