Technology in Learning

Mutiara International Grammar School aims to use technology to enhance the learning of our students. To be able to live, learn, and work successfully in our information-rich society, students must be able to utilize technology effectively. Technology has become an essential part of education at Mutiara.
Technology is integrated into the Junior School and Senior School curriculum through the provision of Information and Communication Technology as a key subject. Progressive teaching and learning approaches are further adopted to leverage on the use of technology in school.
Technology is integrated directly in to our learning processes, in the areas of engagement with learning, skills-in collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, efficiency and as a preparation for the workforce in terms of ICT skills and ethical and professional conduct.
Junior School
A tablet-supported e-learning programme has been introduced in Years 4 and 5 in Mutiara. The project anchors on technology for learning in History, Geography, and English.
Every student in these two-year groups is provided with a tablet to take their learning experiences to the next level. Google Apps is officially embraced as the technology platform for all collaborative digital learning endeavors. The programme includes student e-portfolios, e-learning resources, project-based learning, rubric-led assessment procedures, online assignment support, and various other features. This revamped curriculum is a balanced fusion of high technology and the outdoors, providing a digital and concrete experience for learners.
In Year 5, the use of technology is extended further by having students accessing and showcasing their work using Google Drive as well as the Google Classroom venue. Every student continues to use Google Apps to create, store, manage, collaborate, edit and share their work online. In addition, students are taught to explore additional properties to complete assignments using targeted methods, which include:
- Concise research skills.
- Creation and/or manipulation of Google Apps.
- Typing and word processing skills.
- Recognition and use of tech terms, associated with a tablet or via tablet properties.
We strive to cultivate our students’ interest and skills in technology by recognizing their contributions in the following areas:
- For their consistent enthusiasm and quickness in picking up technology skills in their day-to-day learning tasks.
- For their commitment and dedication to online learning responsibilities.
- For their interest and initiatives demonstrated in submitting assignments and projects.
Senior School
With many students owning mobile computing devices and frequently using these devices for their school work while at home, we have recognized the need to allow students to utilize their own technology in a more seamless way at school. A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy has been implemented to encourage students to bring a laptop or tablet device to support their learning in school. This is part of our effort to put students at the center and empower them to take control of their own learning.
Students will be able to connect to the school’s wireless network to access the internet, email and school files. The BYOD strategy will add value to students learning by:
- Speedily allowing the capture of information in a range of modes – text, images, audio and video – and formats that best support their learning style.
- Carrying fewer books around with electronic textbooks.
- Having all notes in one centralized location both at home and at school.
- Being able to organize, amend and edit notes.
- Increased engagement of students in deep, complex and relevant learning.
- Self-paced learning and aiding with differentiation within the classroom.
- Attainment of 21st Century skills.
- The readiness of students to thrive in a complex, global and high-tech society.
- The authenticity of student learning and the complexity of student thinking.
This approach is fundamentally voluntary and there is no expectation from the school that parents will be required to purchase a device. Our BYOD strategy allows parents to choose their level of involvement with the approach and to select an affordable price point for technology.
Additionally, no teaching programmes are altered to require students to have such a device in the classroom. Rather, it is an approach that would allow students the choice to conduct immediate online research that adds value to the individual, small group and in class discussion.
With all this in mind, the School shares the understanding that handwriting skills are pivotal to a successful IGCSE experience. As such, teachers are to ensure that clear time is made for handwriting experiences.